Monday 12 September 2011

I'm not dressed as spider man I AM SPIDERMAN

My son first started his huge obsession with spider man on the 25th September 2011. Your probably  thinking how on earth does she remember that! Its because on the 24th he had to go to hospital for an operation and 2 night stay. After the first night we were moved to a different bed and in the over bed tv was a spiderman dvd. We'd never watched it with him and he had no toys but he knew this dvd was a spiderman dvd.

Since then he kept asking for  toys and we bought him the dvds after he finally saw it on telly. Christmas 2011 Father Christmas dropped the above outfit off and all of a sudden he wasn't Jem anymore.

We would ask him if he was dressed up as spiderman and his grandparents would ask same over phone and every time the answer was the same.
"No I'm not dressed up as spiderman. I am spiderman"

His strong belief that he turns into the characters he dresses up as is amazing and more than inspiring. He's been lumbered with the most negative mother in the world who constantly doubts herself and doesn't always believe I can do it so maybe I should take a leaf out Jems book and instead of being me I can be a successful woman who can achieve anything and at night when I'm relaxing I can be Tracy again.

I often think my son came into my life to teach me. I spend time answering the most important questions  what are the holes on a shirt called, whats in macaroni cheese, whats milkshake made from. But I have the feeling he's trying to teach me far more important things.

Patience- we're trying for our 2nd child and my son told me it takes time to have a baby and we should be patient.

Self-belief- course you can mummy, ooooh mummy that's wonderful, WOW mummy you look gorgeous

Love and forgiveness- even after I've shouted, done time out and taken things off him i get a big hug and kiss at end of day and I love you.

Renunciation- I was never selfish woman and would happily help anyone and buy nice presents but now I have to regularly go without so my  son has something and not necessarily what he needs lol.

Acceptance- Kids have the great ability to not notice scars, defects and other things that we so often notice and ashamedly some avoid. Jem has taught me confidence in approaching anyone and reminding me constantly we're all equal.

So although we bring our children up and teach the alphabet, good behaviour, numbers, colours, how to eat, basic life skills. Somehow though I think I'll be the one thanking Jem in 15 years time for teaching me the most important lessons not other way round lol xx

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